Dua Tawssul & The Lamentation of a Lowly Sinner
Allahoomma Inni As’aloka Wa Atavaj-jaho llaika
Oh Allah I beseech you, and turn to you..
In a time that there is no one for me, at a time that everything has failed me,
When I am alone and wrong. I turn to you Oh my lord. Who other than the ultimate master to be a slave to? Who other than the most generous to beg from? Who other than the most merciful to repent to? Who better to be tried by than the Just? Who other than the all knowing to confide in? Who other than the restorer to mended by? Who other than the eternal to accept limitation to? Who would cleanse my ugly soul other than the shaper of beauty? Who would release me if not the opener? Who other than the Powerful to draw from? Who other than the independent to depend on?
Be Nabi-yyeka Nabi-yyir Rahmate Mohammadin Sal-lal-laho ‘Alaihe Wa Aalehi Ya Abal-Oasime Ya Rasoolal-lahe Ya Imamar-Rahmate Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
Through your Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad, may Allah Bless him and his Progeny, and grant them peace.
O Abul-Qasim, O Messenger of Allah O guide of mercy, O intercessor of the community, O our chief, O our master.
Who other than the link between us and the lord to chain myself to? Who other than the one who tended to the lady who showered him with dirt to be humbled by? Who other than the relayer of the book to learn from? Who other than the master of Salmaan to attempt companionship of?
Inna Tavaj-jahna Vas-tash-fa’na Wa Tavas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya Vajihan Indal-Iahesh-fa.lana Indal-Iah.
We turn towards you, seek your intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need; O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
Who other than His messenger to have by my side?
Ya Abal-Hasane Ya Ameerul Mo’mineena Ya Ali-yyabna Abi
Talib Ya Hoojjatal-Iahe Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abul Hasan, O Commander of the Faithful, O ‘Ali, son of Abu Talib, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master.
Who other than the lion of Allah to be tamed by? Who other than the one who walked away from a clear strike from Amr chest to walk toward? Who other than the wielder of Dhulfiqar to retreat to? Who other than the father of the leaders of the youths of paradise to be groomed by?
Ya Fatematuz zehro. Ya Binte Mohammadin Ya
Qoorrata .Ainir-Rasoole Ya Saiyyedatana Wa Mavla. tana
O Fatima Zahra, O daughter of Muhammad, O Joy to the eye of the Prophet, O our chief, O our master
Who other than the daughter of the one who gave all her wealth for islam to be enriched by? Who other than the lady of light to be enlightened by? Who other than the one for whom food came from the heavens to feed off of? Who other than the one whose weeps echoed to cry to? Who other than the one with broken ribs to shatter to? Who other than the one who went to the courts to fight for her right to be guided by? Who other than the mother of Zainab to be covered by?
Ya Aba Mohammadin Ya Hassanabna .Aliyyin Ayyo-hal Moojtaba Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-Iahe .Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O elected one O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master,
You are the embodiment of wisdom, who other than the embodiment of wisdom to be shaped by? Who other than the silent warrior to be trained by? Who other than the lone preacher to hear? Who other than one of those who were victorious at mubahilah to be conquered by?
Ya Aba ' Abdil-lahe Ya Husainabna ' Ali-yyin Ayyohash shaheedo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu Abdallah, O Husain, son of ‘Ali, O Martyr O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master.
Who other than the one who was mounted on the prophets back to be raised by? Who other than the one whose neck was kissed by the prophet to give your neck for? Who other than the savior of islam to be saved by? Who other than the one who enjoined good till his last breath to be taught right from wrong by?
Ya Abal-Hasane Ya 'Ali Yabnal-Husaine Ya Zainal'abedeena Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mavfana
O Abu Muhammad, O ‘Ali, son of al-Husain, O Zayn al-Abidin, O Prostrator before Allah O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master.
Who other than the beauty of the worshipper to worship with? Who other than the one who survived sickness and oppression to be cured by? Who other than the writer of the rights to be inscribed by?
Ya Aba Ja'farin Ya Mohammadabna ' Aliyyin Ayyohal-Baqercl Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O knowledgeable one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
You are the fountain of knowledge, where better to drink from than the fountain of knowledge? You are the one who worked in the scorching sun and called it ibaadah, who better than you to melt to?
Ya Aba ' Abdil-lahe Ya Ja'farabna Mohammadin Ayyohas-sadiqo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu ‘Abdallah, O Ja’far, son of Muhammad, O truthful one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
Who other than the truth to learn honesty from? Who better than the knowledgeable one to seek from?
Ya Abal-Hasane Ya Moosabna Ja'farin Ayyohal-Kazimo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjataf-lahe ' Afa Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu Ibrahim, O Musa, son of Ja’far, O tranquil one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
Who other than the swallower of anger to succumb to? Who better than the prisoned to be set free by? Who other than the one left on a bridge to learn how to tread from?
Ya Abal-Hasane Ya ' Ali-yyabna Moosa Ayyohar-Riza Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal.fahe , ft.la Khalqehi Ya Sayyedna Wa Mavlana
O Abul Hasan, O ‘Ali, son of Musa, O devoted one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
You are the lonely amongst the lonely, who better to seek company with? Who other than the dear one of the second Fatimah to love?
Ya Aba Ja'farin Ya
Mohammadabna ' Ali-yyin Ayyohat-Taqi-yool Javado Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedna Wa Mavlana
O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O generous, Taqi’ and pious one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
You are the son whose father was separated from him at nine, who other than you to be bonded to? Who better to submit to than the one who proved to yahya his incomplete knowledge? Who better to give in to than the generous one? Oh the living proof of the Hirz Al Jawad who other than you can I be protected by?
Ya Abal-Hasane Ya , Ali-yyabna Mohammadin Ayyohal-Hadiyin Naqiyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi
Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abul Hasan, O Ali, son of Muhammad, O guide and pure one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
Who other than the pure to be cleansed by? Your grave was destroyed, even after your death the tyrants don’t stop, who better to learn patience from if not the one who even in death is oppressed?
Ya Aba Mohammadin Ya Hasanabna Aliyyin Ayyohaz-zaki-yool-Askariyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hojjatal-Iahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana
O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O Wise one and warrior, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master
Who would I be liberated by if not for the one who was confined for most his life? At a time of famine with your prayers you brought rain, who other than you to be showered with mercy by? The one who besides his father has been wronged even after his passing, who other than him to seek strength from?
Ya Vasi-yyal.Hasane Val-Khalafal-Hoojjata Ayyohal-Oaa ' emool- Moontazarool- Mahdiyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojatal-Iahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mavlana Inna Tavaj-jahna Vas-tash-
fa'ana Wa Tavas-salna Beka l'al-Iahe Wa Oaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya Vajihan 'Indal-Iaheish-fa'Jana 'Indal-Iah :
Ya sadati Wa Mavaliyya Inni Tavaj-jahto Bekoom A’imati Wa ‘ooddati Le-yavme Faqri Wa Hajati llal-lahe Wa Tavas-salto bekoom illa-lahe, Vas-tas-fa’to bekoom llal-lahe, Fash-fa’oolee Indal-lahe, Vastanqwzooni Min Zonoobi ‘Idal-lahe, Fa-innakoom Vasilati llal-lahe Wa Be-Hoobbekoom Wa Be-Qoorbe-koom Arjoo Najatan Minal-lahe Fakoomoo ‘Indal-lahe Rajaa’ee Ya Sadati Ya Avliyaa’Allahe
O inheritor of al-Hasan, O successor, O upright one, O Proof, O awaited upriser, O Mahdi, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, We turn towards you, seek your intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us. O our chief, O our master,
O my chiefs, O my Masters, I turn to Allah through you, O my Imams, my supporters on the days of my destitution. I seek your advocacy before Allah, I request you to speak in my favour before Allah, obtain pardon for me from Allah, and deliver me from my sins, through my love of you and nearness to you, obtain deliverance (for me) from Allah O my chiefs, O close friends of Allah,
Who other than the holiest of the holiest in the eyes of Him to bow to? Without your intersession I am doomed to the fires of hell. I am a sinner, one who has made many a mistake, Oh my masters who other than you would lead me to change.
Sal-la-laho ‘Alaihim Ajma’een Wa La’anal-laho a’dall-‘Allahe Zalemeehim Minal-Av-valeena Val-akher-‘eena ameen Rabbal’alameen.
may Allah bless all of them, and curse the enemies of Allah who have oppressed them and will oppress them so be it, O Lord of the worlds.
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